Land of Smiles is a 2016 American-Austrian-Thai horror film written and directed by Bradley Stryker (an actor in iZombie; Supernatural; The Lizzie Borden Chronicles). It stars Alexandra Turshen, Keenan Henson and Caitlin Stryker.
A young female backpacker is lured through the third world paradise of Thailand searching for her kidnapped best friend. Unknowingly, she becomes the object of a sociopath’s obsession…
The film is released in the UK on DVD by Gilt Edge Media on 1 May 2017.
“For a low budget movie it looks a million dollars, choc-full of dreamy vistas that really capture the best of Thailand. If only the rest of the movie matched its artistic perfection. A little harsh perhaps, but there’s a number of things about Land of Smiles that are desperately frustrating, with the guy in the clown mask being front and centre […] his speech is completely unintelligible.” Dave Wain, The Schlock Pit
Main cast:
Alexandra Turshen, Keenan Henson, Caitlin Stryker, Bradley Stryker, Amie Barsky, Krista Donargo, Leandra Ramm, Jen L. Burry, Kate Stone.
Filming locations:
New York City, New York, USA
The film’s working title was Thai-Sanity.