American Exorcist is a 2016 supernatural horror film written and directed by Tony Trov and Johnny Zito. It is currently in post-production. Influenced by Italian horror, the crew experimented with many practical special effects. It should not be confused with Tripp Weathers’ 2016 movie of the same title.
Main cast:
Bill Moseley, Falon Joslyn, Jo Pincushion, John McKeever, Leanna Billings, Alexa Marie Santy, Jeff Orens, Alison Crozier, John Bolaris, Andrew J. Kind, Liz Wagner and Paul Triggiani.
A paranormal investigator becomes trapped in a haunted skyscraper on Christmas Eve. The skeptical young woman, Georgette Dubois (Falon Joslyn), is horrified once confronted with the reality of the supernatural. She has to risk life and limb to escape her ghoulish prison, stranded on the 11th floor…
Filming lLocations:
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA